Mailbox-olpyse: All the Fake News Regarding the Mail
Twitter, Facebook, and Mainstream news raised the alarm about the Trump administration “throttling” the USPS in order to prevent mail-in votes forcing people to vote…exactly as they have for all of American history. The horror!
However, this childish accusation is actually 100% false to begin with. Let’s take a look at all the fake news and rumors the legacy media and democratic party have been gaslighting us with.
Locked Boxes
This one is hilarious. They took photos of locked mailboxes, a precaution liberal cities have had to take due to increased crime and said Trump is keeping people from voting.
So…Trump is locking mailboxes in August because the election is in November? This lie was ridiculous on the surface but millions of Americans fell for it. This is business as normal if by normal you mean living in a blue city that can’t control crime and mail theft any other way
Claire McCaskill, former Democrat senator from Missouri was spreading her own version of this story…but she couldn’t even get the state right.
The Dumpster of Mailbins
Then this photo started circulating getting millions of views on Twitter:
The post office later confirmed this is normal. They take bad units off the street, service them, and reuse them. Images of mailboxes on a flatbed on their way to be serviced were interpreted as Trump sabotaging the USPS as well.
Perhaps these images triggered so many on the Left because it was a case of the government being responsible with tax-payer money.
Reliable Service
Along the same lines, we come to the biggest whopper of them all: the USPS and mail-in voting is reliable
There’s a reason Jerry Seinfeld’s archnemesis even in the 90s was the greasy and corrupt postal worker, Newman. It was a comedic troupe everyone then and now can understand.
This isn’t just speculation or unfair stereotypes in comedy clubs. Even left-wing news sources will confirm that mail-in voting is unreliable.
CBS did a mock election and found that 3% of their ballots were lost, which may not seem like much, but 3% is 10x deadlier than the fatality rate of COVID-19. It’s more than enough to sway a national election.
NPR says mail-in voting is “fraught” with problems. In the New York City primaries this year, 20% of mail-in votes were discarded.
Even many of the reporters who have been pushing the reliablity of the mail-in voting have doubted the reliability of the USPS. Many of those pushing this conspiracy theory themselves reported on how spotty mail delivery can be.
But worse than the hypocrisy, these journalists actively gaslight the country by ignoring the most important fact about mail-in voting. They have conflated absentee ballots with mail-in ballots omitting a huge difference: mail-in ballots are not certified. That means there’s no way to track them, as you can with absentee ballots, in order to make sure they have arrived — and only they have arrived not fake ballots.
Hopefully, all Americans can agree on these two things: politicians should be accountable and our voting systems should be reliable. Mail-in ballots do neither.
It is a system built to be abused. In many states, like Washington, ballots have to be marked with party affiliation on the OUTSIDE of the envelope before those ballots will be counted. This makes it all too easy for a mail-carrier, whose union has endorsed Joe Biden, to simply throw away Republican ballots.
This shouldn’t even be a debate, to be honest. It’s common sense: if you want the vote to be credible, don’t change the system of voting 80 days before the election.
That’s the thing, though. The Democratic party doesn’t want us to have a credible election because they are afraid Donald Trump might win again.
Maybe that is too far, but what is obvious is that there is no danger in voting in person as long as people wear masks. After all, protests around the country are safe, including mass gathers protesting for mail-in voting, because people are wearing masks.
But because of the dishonesty of the Democratic politicians and the journalist lap-dogs, the entire system of democracy in this country is being undermined to the point that neither side will accept the results in November no matter what happens.
It is a cruel and calculated play, and it is unlikely that the Democratic operatives responsible for this crime will ever face justice for their lies.
Trump is not trying to sabotage the USPS. The Post Master General has actually agreed to stop doing those regular maintenance work that is triggering so many on the left in a bid to bolster public confidence.
Trump has instead rightly pointed out that mail-in ballots are very different from absentee ballots. He’s pointed out it’s not reliable. And he’s right that we shouldn’t trust that untested system that has obvious flaws.
These are dark days when one of the major parties working with the mainstream media can gaslight the whole country, and get away with it.
It’s simple: let’s all vote the way we have been for the last 230 years.
Trump is not trying to sabotage the USPS. The PostMaster General has actually agreed to stop doing those regular maintenance work that is triggering so many on the left.
Trump has instead rightly pointed out that mail in ballots are very different from absentee ballots. He’s pointed out it’s not reliable. And he’s right that we shouldn’t trust
The fact of the matter is if you want people to trust the vote, you shouldn’t change how we vote right before the election. Democrats are deliberately undermining the system and sowing doubt in our institutions in order to weaken our democracy.
These are dark days when one of the major parties working with the mainstream media can gaslight the whole country…and get away with it.
The only thing we know for sure is that if we have widespread mail-in voting, neither side will trust it. The Democrats will think it’s suppressed and the Republicans will think it’s fake. Those pushing for it or only pushing for the end of the American experiment.